Sunday, November 11, 2012

Baby Shower Gifts -- Boy

I have another friend who is expecting a baby boy.  I am super excited to try to make some more cute items, this time, I am using trim!  I found brown and red rickrack, two types of owl ribbons, and a variety of smaller ribbons for the taggie items.

1. Baby blanket
Finished size: 24" x 27"
I could not find the patchwork flannel/cuddle fabric at JoAnns this time, so I had to make my own.  I cut 4" squares from flannel and cuddle fabric, randomly put together to make my own patchwork.  I used one strip of aqua, tan harlequin, grey cuddle, beige cuddle, red cuddle, brown flannel, and dot flannel.  I wanted an owl theme so I cut 2 strips of the owl flannel.  The entire blanket is backed with the grey cuddle fabric.

Finish work: owl ribbon on one side, red rickrack, and I used an owl patch from JoAnns to make it extra cute.

2. Taggie Burp Cloth

Finished size: 10" x 14"
I did some research on ideas of different things to make and stumbled across "taggie" items, ranging with toys, blankets, clothes, etc.  I realized that this is a grand idea since kids like to chew on everything, touch everything, and loops could help to keep track of variety of toys with rings.  The dual use is backing the patchwork with terry cloth, can be used as a burp cloth and/or teething item (soak it in water and freeze it).

3. Patchwork Cloth
Finished size: 14" x 17"

Multi-purpose ways to use this item since it's just 2 layers of flannel in a manageable size.

4. Swaddle/Receiving Blankets
Finished size: 17" x 41"
Finished size: 18" x 25"

This is a new item for me to make, but super easy.  Essentially a large piece of flannel backed with beige knit, trimmed with owl ribbon or the rickrack.  During my research, apparently swaddle blankets tend to be too small, so I thought these should be big enough to use as a blanket in the summer time later on.

5. 2 Large Burp Cloth
Finished size: 13" x 25"

Finished size: 13" x 24"
These I got a little fancy!  I used two different flannel prints, used ribbon trim and rickrack to make it cute.  One has a "hoot" patch at JoAnns that is perfect for this item to match the aqua flannel while the other is trimmed in ribbon and rickrack.  Both are backed with a beige towel.  I haven't seen chenille so terry cloth works just as well.

6. Kidney-shaped Large Burp Cloth

Finished size: 14" x 24"
This is also a large burp cloth with the sides rounded to accommodate the neck area.  It is trimmed in ribbon and rickrack, backed with terry cloth.

7. Owl Cloth Toy

I saw a really cute picture on etsy of this item, I changed the shape but same idea.  It is flannel front and back with cuddle "wings", taggies around the owl's head.  A cute and simple toy type of item.  Goes with the theme, why not.

Finished Pile 'O Stuff!

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